Notes of a (Java) developer


Software developer Programmer

My name is Bérenger Dulac, I currently work as a software engineer at the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN, Paris). This website contains my personal technical notes. Not to be exclusive, my main activity focus on the Java platform (Web + Swing).

In the everyday, I largely use online documentations, blogs, forum posts. After many years without contributing anything, perhaps is it time to share some elements. A first initiative was to use my Stackoverflow account which had been idle for a while. In this site I try to sum up day after day the useful subjects I cross. This notepad mixes technical elements and personal opinions.

Categories group the notes by topic. Blog posts are available in the general index. Each post is related to its categories displayed in the footer, with links when general notes are available. Several of these posts express personal opinions, these are grouped under a specific category.

Because I know there is a plenty of informations on the Web and reading can be long, important points are emphasized. This is not to be rude, but rather to save the reader's time.

The site is rendered by Jekyll with a template derived from the Thinny theme.